Rep Michelle Fischbach voted to move the $61 Billion Ukrainian foreign aid package to the House floor in a Rules Committee vote this past weekend. The Committee voted 9-3 in favor of advancing this anti-American legislation, with only Republicans Massie, Norman and Roy voting against it.
Most concerning about this vote is that Speaker Mike Johnson became a tool for the Democrats to get this Ukraine/foreign aid package past the committee, an unprecedented move according to Rules Committee member, Rep Thomas Massie. With a 2/3 vote needed to move the legislation from the committee to the House floor immediately, Fischbach’s vote with the Democrats paved way for our tax money to be funneled into the Ukrainian quagmire.

Fischbach faces a serious challenge for the Republican Party endorsement this Saturday against conservative business owner Steve Boyd. Despite the Establishment Republicans’ attempts at rigging the delegate pool in Congressional District 7, Boyd is looking likely to win the 60% threshold needed to win the Party’s endorsement. We’d imagine the delegates would be strongly against sending their tax money to fund Ukraine.
Here’s the vote in the Rules Committee:
And here’s video of the roll call requested by Rep Thomas Massie on the vote to give $61 Billion of your money to continue the bloody war in Ukraine:
The Ukrainian aid was packaged with a bunch of other swampy foreign aid bills that totaled $95 Billion – $26 Billion went to Israel and $9 Billion to Taiwan. Currently, the U.S. Federal Government is running a $1.8 Trillion budget deficit, which is being financed partly by money printing at the Federal Reserve. This is the reason that consumer prices continue to rise at alarming rates, hurting American families.
Tone deaf Congress doesn’t seem to care about this problem as they prioritize funding foreign governments over taking care of the future prosperity of Americans. The Ukrainian vote passed 311-112 (with only Republicans voting against it). Upon passage, Democrats were seen waving Ukrainian flags on the House floor.
Fischbach’s vote to advance the bill was a major win for Biden and the Congressional Democrats, who had the votes for floor passage despite Fischbach voting against it on the floor.