The Republican Party of Minnesota (MNGOP) is continuing its recent anti-grassroots streak following the unilateral decision of its Chair, David Hann, to oust hundreds of grassroots, conservative delegates in Otter Tail County. We reported last week how the MNGOP State Executive Committee voted to suspend Hann’s decision and start a task force to reinstate the Otter Tail County delegates. But information we’ve obtained suggests this task force is going to be used to quash the delegate reinstatement – not support the State Executive’s wishes.
Last Thursday night, the MNGOP State Executive Committee met at its Edina headquarters and had another non-public meeting which the Otter Tail County issue was brought up. Hann refused to tell the members of the State Executive Committee who is serving on the task force that they voted to create. The State Executive Committee is the key decision makers governing the MNGOP.
Even more concerning, State Executive Committee member Tim Miller apparently is on the task force and acknowledged in a tweet that not only has the task force not met or planned a meeting, but members of the task force don’t even know which other members are on it.

Last night, some of the disenfranchised delegates in Otter Tail County received an email from MNGOP Executive Director Anna Mathews that revealed how the task force is a facade, and eventually the decision to reinstate delegates will just be made by the same Establishment cronies who run the Otter Tail County GOP and wanted to get rid of the delegation in whole.

Hann is deliberately doing everything in his power to stop the reinstatement of delegates in Otter Tail County. Although we may not ever know his true objectives here, many assume its because he’s trying to protect Rep Michelle Fischbach who faces a serious Party endorsement challenge from newcomer Steve Boyd. Delegates are the ones selected to make the Party endorsement and apparently Otter Tail County delegates make up roughly 10% of the delegation in all of Minnesota Congressional District 7.
This injustice to the voice of hundreds of conservative delegates in Congressional District 7 should get the attention of Rep Michelle Fischbach, but so far she has been silent.
Fischbach’s Twitter handle: @FischbachMN7
Campaign phone number: 320-593-3145
Campaign email: [email protected]