Who Tried Paying ‘Feeding Our Future’ Juror Off with $120k in Cash?

Taxpayers were ripped off to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in a pandemic era fraud perpetrated from members of the Minnesota Somali community. In total, 70 individuals are accused of stealing over $250 Million by defrauding a program that was designed to feed hungry Minnesota children.

Yesterday, news broke that a person delivered a bag of $120,000 in cash to one of the juror’s homes over the weekend. According to the Star Tribune, the juror said “a woman left [the bag of cash] with her father-in-law Sunday with the message that she’d get another bag of cash if she voted to acquit.”

That juror immediately called 911 and the FBI was assigned to the case. Yesterday, before the jury deliberated, the juror was released and now fears for her safety in case the persons behind the payment want to retaliate.

Jurors are not identified to the public during trials, so the big question is, who leaked the identity of the juror and executed the bribe? Although this story sounds like something from the movies, it’s a really serious issue and unprecedented in any court case in this state.

The Star Tribune is reporting that a second juror was dismissed in the case as well.

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