Trump shocked Washington D.C. yesterday when he announced he is nominating Tulsi Gabbard as the Director of National Intelligence. This is a key position in the federal government and it’s important that it’s filled by someone opposed to the failed Neocon agenda of endless foreign wars. For that reason, Trump made a good pick.
But the Democrat politicians and talking heads are losing their minds over this pick and are regurjitating the disgraceful and disgusting Hillary Clinton talking point from 2020 that Lt. Colonel Tulsi Gabbard is a “Russian Asset.” They offer no proof to this accusation and they seem to have no remorse for denegrating the honorable service of someone who has given 20 years of her life to the U.S. Army.
And not surprisingly, these attacks come from Democrats who are career politicians and who have never served in the military.
Here’s what Obama’s former Chief of Staff, David Axelrod had to say:

Rep Jared Markowitz wrote:

Minnesota House Majority Leader Jamie Long (he/him) weighed in:

Social media influencers are also blindly following the script: