The Minnesota Department of Human Services is encouraging Long Term Care (LTC) organizations that work with “new Americans” to apply for a taxpayer funded grant. DHS defines new American as “people born abroad and their children, regardless of immigration status.”
Here’s the listing on the Department’s website.

Although many Democrats in the legislature would like for Minnesota to become a Sanctuary State for Illegal Immigrants, it’s currently against the laws. In other words, people at the Minnesota Department of Health aiding and abetting criminals with this program.
On the DHS website, they claim to have the “authority” through their “Grants, Equity, Access, and Research (GEAR) Division” and can “enter into grant contracts that will increase the number and ability of New Americans to obtain, maintain, and grow in the long-term care (LTC) workforce.”

They do not have the authority to hire illegals for nursing care because someone Will pay the ultimate price and hopefully it will be no one‘s parents in a nursing home if they hire these criminals. Minnesota, DHS supervisors should be jailed if they do