Last night, the Democrat controlled Minnesota House passed a series of gun control bills, some with Republican support. The so-called “Safe Storage” bill (HF 4300) would make it illegal for a person to have a useful self-defense firearm in their home.
According to the bill, law-abiding Minnesotans would be prohibited from storing or keeping a firearm in “any place” unless the firearms is either “unloaded and equipped with a locking device” or “in a locked firearm storage unit.” In other words, if passed by the Senate and signed by the Governor, Minnesotans will no longer be able to have a loaded gun in their bedroom in the case of home invasions or burglaries.
Failure to follow this law could result in a gross misdemeanor if the person found in violation has children in their home.
Here’s the language of the bill:

(Note: Strikeouts on text means current law that’s being removed; Underline text is new language)
This dangerous bill that leaves Minnesotans defenseless in their own homes is headed to the Minnesota Senate where currently Democrats have a one person majority. The deciding vote on this bill is Democrat Senator Nicole Mitchell who is currently being charged with first degree felony burglary.
They are clearly not upholding the oath they took. It’s time for patriots to water the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants!!!