Kansas AG Sues Pfizer for ‘Deceptive Statements’ in Marketing Experimental Jab

Kansas Attorney General, Kris Kobach, filed a lawsuit against pharmaceutical company Pfizer for misleading and deceptive statements made when marketing their experimental COVID jabs. According to the complaint filed with the court, Kobach argues Pfizer violated Kansas’ Consumer Protection Act when “Pfizer misled the public that it had a ‘safe and effective’ COVID-19 vaccine.”

One of the more disturbing things from the complaint was found on page 26: “As of February 28, 2021, Pfizer possessed reports for 458 pregnant women exposed to its COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy,” the complaint read. “More than half of the pregnant women (248 cases, or 54%) reported an adverse event from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, while fewer than half (210 cases, or 46%) did not report an adverse event.”

The complaint also alleged that Pfizer marketed the jab as preventing transmission, although the company later testified that it was not tested for slowing transmission.

The lawsuit was filed in Thomas County courts, citing a smaller case load as the reason. We’ll keep you posted on this lawsuit.

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