Reckless spending by politicians in both parties in Washington D.C. has led to unprecedented levels of consumer price inflation. The “solution” to COVID by politicians was to spend money we didn’t have, by printing new money with their friends at the Federal Reserve, then hand out checks to all Americans. If solving things was that easy, why do we pay taxes at all?
Inflation was predictable. I wrote about this on March 18th of 2020: “[the COVID relief] proposal would take all the newly created money and inject it right into consumer goods, thus creating inflation in the everyday items we need and depend on.”
This drastic move in 2020-21 and the following inability for Congress and President Joe Biden to stop massive deficit spending, is the reason prices keep going up. I know that you know the pain your family is feeling from all of this, but here are some of the charts showing just how bad things have become.
The price of energy has risen substantially:

And here’s the costs of electricity:

The price of fruits and vegetables continues to rise:

Meat is rising at unprecedented levels. Here’s the price of ground beef since 2018:

And here’s the price of bread over that same time period:

If we want to curb inflation in consumer goods, Congress has to STOP deficit spending and financing it with newly printed money. As the Fed continues to raise interest rates, the National Debt becomes more unsustainable to finance and this whole problem compounds.