Fauci EXPOSED for Lying About Masks, Social Distancing, and Tyrannical COVID Measures

Dr. Anthony Fauci is back in the news again as he spent a few days on Capitol Hill for the first time since his retirement in 2022. Congressional Republicans brought the public health official most responsible for the disastrous COVID response in front of them for testimony.

In a closed room session with the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on Friday, according to transcripts, Fauci stated that he was “not aware of studies” that the 6 foot social distancing policy he promoted was scientific. And when it came to remembering reviewing studies supporting the masking of children, Fauci remarked, “I don’t recall specifically that I did. I might have.”

Fauci’s suggestions on useless social distancing and cloth masks were adopted all over the country and states like Minnesota, with an anti-freedom Governor like Tim Walz, instituted useless mask mandates. Dr. Fauci also led the charge to “double mask” and was seen sporting two cloth masks in his official duties.

In public testimony today, Fauci continued the lies about the COVID jab (not vaccine) stating that “People who refused to get vaccinated for any variety of reasons are probably responsible for an additional 200,000 to 300,000 deaths in this country.”

Fauci’s lies and misinformation that guided official government policies were extremely damaging to our country. He, not the unvaccinated, are responsible for trillions of dollars in economic damage and an unknown amount of human lives in vaccine injuries, mental health issues and chemical abuse. A 2022 John Hopkins University study concluded, “looking at specific [non-pharmaceutical interventions] (lockdown vs. no lockdown, facemasks, closing non-essential businesses, border closures, school closures, and limiting gatherings) [found] no broad-based evidence of noticeable effects on COVID-19 mortality.”

We may never see Fauci held accountable for what he did to us, but our hope is when we face the next public health emergency, more Americans will be wised up to the lies and deceits of the public health bureaucracy and the lying corporate media that took their talking points hook, line and sinker!

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