In May of 2022, Republican Establishment personnel seeking to destroy Action 4 Liberty (A4L), weaponized the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board (CFB) against the organization fighting for grassroots, conservatives. Action 4 Liberty detailed last June how this corrupt scheme used against them works.

During the endorsement process for gubernatorial candidates in 2022, the MNGOP’s paid lawyer, Reid LeBeau, was collecting intel on both the Dr. Neil Shah for Governor campaign and Action 4 Liberty. In a lengthy document drafted by LeBeau and submitted to the Campaign Finance Board, he alleged that Action 4 Liberty made an illegal corporate contribution to the Shah campaign, which would carry huge fines and if done knowingly, could carry a felony prison sentence.
The MNGOP’s lawyer wasn’t just filing a simple administrative complaint with an insignificant fine. He attempted to take me, the President of Action 4 Liberty at the time, away from my family and children and throw me in prison. LeBeau suggested in the complaint that the CFB refer the matter to Washington County for prosecution.

The matter involved Shah emails that went out to Action 4 Liberty lists, which Shah’s general consultant paid for to promote the messaging to an audience in Minnesota. When Action 4 Liberty provided the CFB with redacted invoices showing it was paid for, the matter should’ve been dismissed. In fact, the full time legal staff at the CFB recommended to the Board that there was no probable cause of a violation and the complaint should be dismissed.
But the Walz appointed, politically-tied Board at the CFB ignored the staff’s recommendation and stated they believed probable cause existed that Action 4 Liberty violated the law. The CFB moved into unprecedented territory, questioning whether the Shah campaign paid “fair market value” for the ability to email their message to the lists and if not, Action 4 Liberty was guilty of an illegal contribution. Ridiculous!
A witch hunt for private information about the organization then began, including showing up at residences with subpoenas, all funded with taxpayer money.
Then the ‘Hate Brigade’ of Establishment cronies, including then Minority Leader Rep Kurt Daudt and current MNGOP Chair David Hann, blasted out messages alleging A4L was a scam, had committed felonies and prison time was in the future. These scumbag cronies wanted me behind bars!
Here’s the email MNGOP Chair Hann sent out to the entire Republican list throughout the state.

Today, we learned that the Campaign Finance Board has concluded their nearly two year witch hunt against Action 4 Liberty and found NO VIOLATIONS occurred. David Hann used the Party’s attorney to file a false complaint against A4L, weaponized a government agency against a conservative group, used the Party’s lists to trash the organization alleging a felony was committed, only to be COMPLETELY WRONG about everything.

Everyone expects this kind of corrupt scheme from the Democrats. In fact, the Minnesota DFL filed a false complaint against Action 4 Liberty in 2021 that was eventually dismissed because it lacked any evidence of A4L wrongdoing.
Unfortunately, Establishment Republicans in Minnesota are no better than the Radical Democrats who use the weaponization of government against their political opponents. But Action 4 Liberty never caved to the pressure. They fought on with their important mission of protecting liberty for the next generation. And A4L is stronger today than ever before.
They have been pulling your emails from me seeing them. Erik Mortensen has been sending me email’s from action for liberty but I’m not sure if he is one to be corresponding with in that? I’ve only had email’s from you and now they have pulled them. Not sure on what to do there but they’ve also pulled other stuff off my email’s and was trying to make sure before asking what was happening and if others have had the same problem?